Saturday, April 16, 2011


...So I never thought I would start a blog.  Certainly not before having children, or at least a growing baby bump that I could show everyone week by week.  I somehow thought that starting a blog would mean that I think our life is interesting enough that people would actually want to read about it.  But after a couple years of occasionally spending way too long on the computer, bouncing from blog to blog, and after living away from our family and friends for some time, I've decided that I no longer feel like starting a blog makes me self absorbed or narcissistic, but in fact, it's considerate, because our friends (and especially our family) just might want to know what we're up to, and let's be honest, the days of communicating live on the phone are becoming a fading memory.  ;)  I'm still really new at this, and quite technologically challenged, so bear with me...and hopefully it'll get interesting soon enough.  :) 


  1. I think this, my dears, is the beginning of a beautiful blogging relationship! Woo Hoo and welcome aboard! XOOX

  2. I couldn't agree more with Hillary. I would be happy to stalk your blog. I expect frequent updates from you two! Welcome! xo

  3. I LOVE that you've joined the world of crazy bloggers!! Can't wait to read about all of your adventures xoxo

  4. Looking forward to having a window into your lives! Love you both!

  5. Yay, so exciting! Blog-reading is one of my favorite evening activities, but I only follow a few! I will read yours religiously! And comment copiously! And maybe be inspired to finally start my own! Or not. :)
