Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Work, Eat, Work, Eat

....that's all I feel like we do lately!
Maybe I'll have to update my fitness blog with my new favorite Pilates exercises or my latest playlist, I think I'd have more material.
Anyway, here are just a few photos I have on my phone from the last couple of weeks....

We spent a lovely afternoon at Cavallo Point, a beautiful property on the other side of the Golden Gate bridge.  We enjoyed a glass of wine and saw some cool birds.  :)

We continue finding new views of the city....this isn't a great photo, but the beauty of this area doesn't fade.

We had a game night at the Reynold's home.  We learned how to play Sequence....and I hate to admit, but the men won this round.  I'll be practicing my strategy until next time.

And of course it wouldn't be a standard blog without a photo of our favorite little girl....fresh from a day at the groomer.  I would have liked to get a photo of Mahoney with Stan (Carrie & Erik's cat), who happens to weigh twice as much as her, but he wasn't that interested, so maybe next time.  :) 


  1. I love the picture of Mahoney - so cute!

  2. Whenever you post about what you have been up to, I add it all to my list of things I want to do while we are there...but I'm not sure 1 weekend will be enough time. See what you can do to squeeze it all in to our itinerary can you?! :) So excited to be there!! And I love your girl...she so pretty!
