Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Playing catch-up

Ugh...it's kind of ironic that when you have the most to report, you have the least amount of time to write about it.  Our last couple of weeks have been incredibly busy.  Here are some highlights:

Mass turned 31.  We celebrated his birthday a few times (as it should be), with some good friends here in the city...

Wishing that he won't lose all of his hair due to the stress of his new job

Drinking a boot full of beer at Leopold's...and it kicked his butt. (or I guess his face)

I did not drink the boot full of beer, but I had a few sips, and for some reason we thought this little photo shoot was  really funny.

Celebrating with friends at Le Colonial

Peter and Rose came to visit!  It was Rose's first time ever in San Francisco, and Peter's first visit in several years.  They got to experience some great food, a little shopping, and even the gritty #49 bus route (sorry about that one guys).  Rose was not impressed by the Golden Gate & Bay bridges, but I think they really enjoyed the city overall.  ;)

Other quick highlights- Mass has been put on a work project in San Jose, with a steep learning curve and gnarly commute, but he's doing great.  I got another job teaching Pilates at a wonderful studio called Mighty Pilates.  As you can see, I've had little time for blogging, and even less time to clean our apartment (oops).  I'm hoping to get things organized better for the New Year. :)
Happy Holidays everyone!

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